Where Does The Yona of the Dawn Anime End in The Manga?

Princesses tend to really capture the fairy tale imagination of audiences, but unlike the fairy tales, this princess is trying to take back her kingdom. Instead of loving a prince (who, in this case, killed her father), you get to enjoy swooning over a loyal bodyguard that never left her side. It is a fun spin on things and a true epic of a tale than keeps on giving.

Where To Start The Yona of the Dawn Manga After The Anime?

Picking up the Yona of the Dawn manga after the anime is a bit complicated depending on how much you watched of the anime. If you watched the anime series alone, you will want to start at Chapter 48.

The anime adapts through Volume 8.

If you watched the OVA, then the furthest you want to start is Chapter 105. Obviously, this is a huge jump for a 3-episode OVA with the first episode being a fun hot springs episode. So it is just generally recommended to start at Chapter 47 anyway since you miss a fair bit.

What to Expect From The Yona of the Dawn Manga?

The actual TV anime series is quite diligent to the manga story, only skipping some smaller moments and details. The anime gets wildly less diligent in the OVAs, though.

So long as you start where the TV anime left off, you don’t need to read the Yona of the Dawn manga from the beginning unless you want to.

Is The Yona of the Dawn Manga Over?

The Yona of the Dawn manga is still ongoing. Since launching in 2010, it usually releases three volumes per year.

Will There Be A Yona of the Dawn Season 2?

As Yona of the Dawn hasn’t had a new anime project since the OVAs in 2016, it seems a full second season is unlikely. However, Yona of the Dawn is a very popular shoujo series. As such, there may be more hope for more anime when the manga gets close to ending.

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