You would think for as much manga is being created, there would be more stories about manga creators. At least Comic Girls endeavored to do it in a way that even people uninterested in manga might want to consume the story – by being about cute girls doing cute manga things.
Alternative Titles:
- こみっくがーるず
Year Anime Premiered: 2018
Animation Studio: Nexus
Number of Seasons: 1
Source Material Country of Origin: Japan
Source Material Available: Manga
Is It Officially Licensed Past Where The Anime Ends?: No
Is It Fan Translated Past Where The Anime Ends?: Yes
Entry Last Updated: January 21st, 2025
Where To Start The Comic Girls Manga After The Anime?
If you finished the Comic Girls anime and want to continue the story in the manga, you can start at Volume 3, Chapter 13 (Chapter 39)
Comic Girls is the type of series where the chapter count restarts at Chapter 1 with each new volume, so I have included both the official numbering and the lump-sum numbering that you may find on less official manga reading sites.
What to Expect From The Comic Girls Manga?
As, when the Comic Girls anime came out, there were only four volumes of manga released, the anime ends with a bit of an anime-original plot point with the dorm closing for winter.
Outside of that, the comic girls anime did skip a few chapters and re-arrange some events, but it covers all the core story moments so that jumping into the manga after the anime is very simple so long as you know that the dorm closing was not a plot point in the manga.
You don’t need to read the Comic Girls manga from the beginning, but you will definitely find enough skipped small moments to add a lot of value to doing that.
Is The Comic Girls Manga Over?
The Comic Girls manga is complete. It ended in 2023 with Volume 9, Chapter 13 (Chapter 115).
Will There Be A Comic Girls Season 2?
There has been no official announcement of a Comic Girls Season 2 anime.
As the manga ended, and there has been no word since 2018, it isn’t looking good for another season.