Complete Anime That Are Full Manga Adaptations

As anime is often used as a promotional tool to boost source material and merch sales, to fall in love with an anime and expect a complete story is to usually set yourself up for disappointment. Unless your manga series is short, already concluded, or the anime series is particularly popular (in Japan), you’re probably not going to see the series fully adapted into anime.

Who can say as to why that is, other than the easy answer – money – but a good number of your favorite anime based on manga won’t ever be fully adapted to the screen. This is okay if you do actually enjoy going to read the source material, and pretty good for me, a person who run this website telling you where you can go pick up the series after the anime. Though, it is not great for closure.

If you are sick of picking up anime series that are never going to get a conclusion, I’ve compiled this big list of anime that do end conclusively.

Now that said, these anime don’t always end the same way as the manga. This list does include anime that diverged from the manga series it was based on, but I have marked those series with helpful notes.

When applicable, I have also linked to articles I wrote with more information on how and where it diverges. That said, I’ve not done all of the series that have diverged on this list yet, but I will start to make them a priority and update this list with links as I go.

If you notice errors or series that aren’t on here, you are encouraged to leave a comment and I will make appropriate updates to try to keep this as up-to-date and accurate as possible.

This list does not include anime adapted from light novels. That’s a separate list.

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Anime That Are Full Manga Adaptations

SeriesAdaptation Notes
3D Girlfriend
(3D Kanojo: Real Girlfriend)
Anime leaves out the epilogue chapter
A Silent Voice
(Koe no Katachi)
Adapts the ending and main storyline, but the movie leaves out almost every sub-plot for various characters due to time constraints.
Acca 13
(ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka)
Afro SamuraiAfro Samurai: Resurrection adapts the chapters the original anime skipped
Aim for Ace
(Ace wo Nerae!)
Watch Final Stage OVA for the end, but the anime had changes from the manga throughout.
Akame ga KillDiverges and has an anime-original ending.
Akuma no Riddle
AngolmoisFully adapts the original manga, but not the Hakata-hen sequel manga
Antique Bakery
(Seiyou Kottou Yougashiten: Antique)
AnotherThe anime is a light novel adaptation, but the manga also adapts the story.
AriaThe Animation, The Natural, and The Origination adapt to the end of the manga, but skips several chapters. Crepuscolo, Avvenire, Benedizione movie/ovas are mostly fan service
Ashita no Joe
Assassination Classroom
(Ansatsu Kyoushitsu)
Astra Lost in Space
(Kanata no Astra)
Attack on Titan
(Shingeki no Kyojin)
Has spin-offs you could enjoy.
Ayashi no CeresHighly abridged. Full arcs and characters are cut from the anime. Best to read from the beginning.
Azumanga DaiohSkips omits some chapters/jokes, as well as changes some events, but does adapts the ending. Hoshuu-hen manga is the original series repackaged with new chapters
Banana FishThe anime story is pretty abridged and set in the modern day, so the manga is a bit different.
BasiliskBasilisk: The Kouga Ninja Scrolls and the sequel anime Basilisk: The Ouka Ninja Scrolls are two different manga series, but both anime adaptations adapt them fully.
Big OrderAnime-Original Ending and changes throughout.
Black CatA hot mess of an adaptation. Speeds through content, changes core story elements, features an anime-original ending
Blade of the Immortal
(Mugen no Juunin)
2008 Anime isn’t a full adaptation, 2019 anime is a highly abridged, but complete adaptation. Neither adapt the Bakumatsu Arc sequel manga.
Blast of Tempest
(Zetsuen no Tempest)
Anime ending is a bit different, but not wholly anime-original.
BleachThousand-Year Blood War is adapting the final arc and expanding upon it.
Blood-CNeed to watch The Last Dark movie for the conclusion
Blood Blockade Battlefront
(Kekkai Sensen)
Changes the plot in the first season, but gets to the canon ending in season 2, but also has ongoing sequel manga to explore.
Blue GiantSkips the first 29 chapters, but adapts the ending of the first manga. The series has a slew of sequel manga, however.
BokuranoThe anime diverges majorly and thus ends very differently. Best read from the beginning.
Buso Renkin
Captain Tsubasa
Cardcaptor SakuraOnly applicable for the original series. The sequel, Clear Card Arc, is only about half adapted to anime.
Chrono CrusadeDiverges to an anime-original ending
Cross Game
Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede DestructionTV anime was a better adaptation than the abridged movies full of cuts and some changes to the ending (because of their short run-time.) TV anime did make is own small changes and omissions as well, but adapted far more of the manga. Regardless, if you watched Episode 0 as well, you saw the full ending. Watch Episode 0 between E16 and E17, the final episode.
Dear Brother
(Oniisama E)
The anime is 39 episodes, the manga is 17 chapters. The anime expands on a lot and most character stories end in a “similar, but different” sort of way
Death NoteThe anime ending is a bit rushed and had small changes from the manga ending.
Devilman: CrybabySmall changes to the Devilman manga ending.
DororoThe 2019 anime differs, as in fleshes out, the much older original manga. Dororo to Hyakkimaru Den is a reboot manga, but has a story that differs from both the original manga and the newest anime.
Dr. Ramune – Mysterious Disease SpecialistSkips two chapters. (Chapters 5 and 6)
Dr. SlumpOnly the 1984 anime is a full adaptation, the remake is not.
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z
El Cazador de la BrujaThe anime fleshes out the original one volume manga quite a bit
Elfen LiedStory Diverges into an anime-original ending
Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess LieselotteOriginally was a light novel, but the LN and manga are similar. Manga was abruptly canceled, but very close to the ending of the light novel, which is the ending of the anime.
ErasedA hot mess of an adaptation. You get the full story, but it condenses the second half and skips a bunch.
Fairy TailHas a sequel manga that is now also getting an anime.
Food Wars
(Shokugeki no Souma)
The final season of the anime sort of zips through the last portion of the manga.
Forest of Piano
(Piano no Mori)
Highly condensed version of the story.
From The New World
(Shinsekai Yori)
The manga adapts and changes the novel source. The anime is adapted from the manga.
Fruits BasketOnly the Fruits Basket (2019) anime fully adapts the story, the old anime drifts into an anime-only ending.
Fullmetal AlchemistOnly Brotherhood fully adapts the manga, the original FMA drifts into an anime-only ending.
Full Moon o SagashiteThe anime expanded on the ending, but it has the same basic end.
Fushigi YuugiNeed to watch OVA 2 for the ending.
Future Diary
(Mirai Nikki)
Good Night World
GosickAnime is more adapted from the light novels, the manga is more light-hearted. Both have roughly the same story fully adapted
Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again
(Jiisan Baasan Wakagaeru)
Wildly re-arranges the chapters, and skips a number of them. However, chapters are only 5 pages long, so they were able to adapt quite a bit, including the ending.
Handa-kunPrequel to Barakamon, but Barakamon is not a full adaptation
Hatsukoi Limited
Haven’t You Heard, I’m Sakamoto
(Sakamoto desu ga?)
Heaven’s Lost Property
(Sora no Otoshimono)
Pretty spotty adaptation overall. You need to watch Eternal My Heart movie for the ending.
(Hell’s Angels)
The movie does trim off a few details
HellsingOnly Hellsing Ultimate adapts the full manga, the Hellsing (2001) anime drifts into an anime-original ending
High Score GirlHas an unadapted sequel manga, High Score Girl Dash.
Honey and Clover
(Hachimitsu to Clover)
HorimiyaAdapts the main romance fully, but abridges many side character stories. Horimiya: Pieces covers what the first anime skipped.
I Can’t Understand What My Husband is Saying
(Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken)
Has two very short prequel manga series about some side characters.
If My Wife Becomes an Elementary School Student
(Tsumasho, Tsuma, Shougakusei ni Naru)
Moves through 111 chapters lightning fast, skipping many details and a number of full chapters. Best read from the beginning. Adapts the final chapter, but not the 5 years later epilogue.
Initial D
InuyashaInuyasha (2000) drifts into filler by the end. Inuyasha: The Final Act reins it back in to conclude the series canonically. It’s sequel is anime-original.
Jyu Oh Sei
K-onDoes not adapt the single volume K-On High School manga or the single volume K-On College manga, both of which are sequels to the story.
KakushigotoThe anime leaves much out, adapting select chapters from every volume, but does adapt the ending
Kamisama KissKamisama, Shiawase ni Naru OVA ends the series, but skips many chapters.
Karakuri CircusTruly awful anime adaptation. Skips whole arcs and characters. Read this manga from the beginning.
Kids on the Slope
(Sakamichi no Apollon)
Anime kind of speeds through the manga ending.
Kimagure Orange RoadNeed to watch the OVA and Movie for the ending
Knights of Sidonia
(Sidonia no Kishi)
Knights of Sidonia: Love Woven in the Stars movie adapted the manga ending, but poorly.
Koi KazeStrongly abridged the final six chapters in the final episode, among other things.
Koikimo – It’s Too Sick to Call This Love
(Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui)
Anime skips quite a few chapters, but does adapt the ending
KokkokuSkips chapters and dialogue that leaves some of the less important plot points feeling forgotten in the anime.
Kuroko’s Basketball
(Kuroko no Basketball)
Laughing Under The Clouds
(Donten ni Warau)
Adapts the main series and has some side story movies, but doesn’t adapt the prequel manga.
Level E
Look Back
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer
(Hoshi no Samidare)
Rushes through the story pretty bad.
Maison IkkokuSkips quite a few chapters
Magical Girl Me
(Mahou Shoujo Ore)
Major“Major” is fully adapted, “Major 2nd,” the sequel, is an ongoing adaptation.
Mardock ScrambleThe manga, which adapts the story of the original novels the movies were adapting, does change the story of the novels/anime a bit.
Maria the Virgin Witch
(Junketsu no Maria)
Masamune-kun’s Revenge
(Masamune-kun no Revenge)
Skips the last side story volume and has a unadapted sequel manga
Mecha Ude: Mechanical ArmsThe series started as an short ONA, technically, making it an anime not based on a manga, but a manga released before the TV anime – which was just the story of the TV anime.
Midori no HibiAnime is the basic story, but condenses events heavily.
Migi and Dali
Mischievous Kiss
(Itazura na Kiss)
The manga ended when the author died, but the anime followed the pattern of events where it left off to a satisfying conclusion.
Mob Psycho 100
Murder PrincessThe OVA makes significant changes to how some events go in the manga, but follows the same core story.
Murai in Love
(Murai no Koi)
Cuts a lot of side character stories and character back story, but does adapt the ending.
MushishiNeed to watch The Next Chapter – Drops of Bells movie for the ending.
NarutoBut there is always Boruto.
Natsuyuki Rendezvous
No. 6Manga adapted the light novel like the anime, but has a different ending. The anime, LN, and manga all have separate endings from each other, so each version of this story ends a different way.
Non Non BiyoriSkips tons of chapters, but does adapt the ending.
NTR: Netsuzou TrapA “Similar, but different” anime from the manga.
O Maidens in Your Savage Season
(Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo.)
OrangeThe Orange: Future sequel manga is covered in the Orange: Future movie.
Orb: On the Movements of the Earth
(Chi.: Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite)
Cuts a couple of small details, but is otherwise a very diligent adaptation of the manga story
Paradise Kiss
Peach GirlHas a short sequel manga called Peach Girl Next about married life. The anime also censored the “adult stuff” from the manga. Though the manga has nothing very graphic.
Ping Pong
PlanetesDiverges majorly to an anime-original ending that many agree was actually better than the manga.
Platinum End
Prince of Tennis
(Tennis no Oujisama)
The original Prince of Tennis manga is fully adapted, Shin Prince of Tennis, the ongoing sequel manga, is not.
Pseudo Harem (Giji Harem)Skips chapters (the chapters are only 4 pages long), but adapts the ending in full
Recovery of an MMO Junkie
(Net-juu no Susume)
The manga was cancelled and ended where the anime ends.
ReLifeKanketsu-hen OVA concludes the series
Requiem of the Rose King
(Baraou no Souretsu)
Ristorante ParadisoThe anime adapts the original manga, and because it is one volume, adapts the Gente manga sequel as well.
RizelmineThe manga is seven chapters long, the anime is 24 episodes, so…
Romantic KillerYes, the manga also ends in the same unsatisfying, non-committal way.
Sacrificial Bride and the King of Beasts
(Niehime to Kemono no Ou)
Adapts the full base manga, has a sequel series following their kid called the White Rabbit and the Prince of Beasts.
Sailor MoonThe 1992 anime adapts all the manga, but does so poorly. Sailor Moon Crystal (2014) is faster paced, but more faithful. You need to watch the Sailor Moon Crystal Eternal AND Cosmos movies for the ending.
Saint SeiyaEnds in the Hades Chapter – Elysion OVA
Sand LandFull adaptation and MORE
Scum’s Wish
(Kuzu no Honkai)
Abridges the ending of the manga. Short sequel manga, Scum’s Wish Decor, wraps up the open nature of the ending better.
Sengoku YoukoA pretty good adaptation.
Seven Deadly Sins
(Nanatsu no Taizai)
But it has a sequel manga with an anime of its own
Shaman KingThe 2001 anime was a messy adaptation, the 2021 anime moves through the material quickly, but is a complete adaptation.
ShikiManga is adapted from the novels, the anime adapts the manga. The last two chapters of the manga expand on the anime ending.
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju
Silent MobiusThe anime changes the manga story, and also the manga has several sequel and prequel series.
Sing “Yesterday” to Me
(Yesterday wo Utatte)
Slam DunkEnding is adapted in The First Slam Dunk movie, but skipped chapters to do so
Somali and the Forest Spirit
(Somali to Mori no Kamisama)
The manga was discontinued due to the author’s health and the anime changed some parts of the story.
Soul Eater NOTThis Soul Eater spin-off got a more diligent, complete adaptation than the actual Soul Eater manga. 🙁
Summertime Render
Summit of the Gods
(Kamigami no Itadaki)
Abridged and sped through, you would get a more detailed story reading it from the beginning.
Taisho Maiden Fairy Tale
(Taishou Otome Otogibanashi)
For more, check out the Showa Maiden Fairy Tale sequel manga.
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
(Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan)
The Duke of Death and His Maid
(Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid)
Skips some of the fluffier chapters later on.
The Law of Ueki
(Ueki no Housoku)
The Rose of Versailles
(Versailles no Bara)
Adapts the full original story, but four additional volumes of side stories were released in 2013. The anime also skips side stories that happen within the main story.
To Love-RuThe original To Love Ru is fully adapted, though skips many chapters. To Love Ru Darkness is partially adapted.
Tokyo GhoulTerrible Adaptation. Root A gets to the canon ending, but the season was mostly anime-original. :Re, the sequel, had many changes in the anime.
Tokyo Mew MewBoth the 2002 anime and the 2022 anime adapt the manga ending, but the 2022 anime does do it differently.
Tomo-chan is a Girl
(Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko!)
Tonari no Yokai-sanSkips tons of chapters, but captures the core overall story while adapting the ending of the manga. Read it from the beginning if you liked it.
TouchFeatures pretty minor differences throughout.
TP BonSkips a few chapters. The anime has an original ending as the manga was discontinued due to the author’s health. This is for the 2024 anime. The movie is likely the same, but with more skipped chapters. (I couldn’t find the movie to actually watch it.)
Umibe no EtrangerHas an ongoing sequel manga, Harukaze no Etranger
Urusei Yatsura1981 is a full-ish adaptation that skips bits, the 2022 anime is a more compact version of the manga. Both skips chapters and re-arrange events. All versions adapt the ending.
Ushio and Tora1992 anime diverges. 2016 anime adapts the full story, but skips many chapters.
Wanna Be The Strongest in the World
(Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai!)
WorkingYou can start the WWW.Working spin-off after that spin-off anime at Chapter 40.
Yawara! A Fashionable Judo GirlEnds in the Zutto Kimi no Koto ga movie
Your Lie in April
(Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso)
YugiohFully adapts the base Yugioh manga, the spin-offs tend to diverge early and often.
Yu Yu HakushoGot to the canon ending, but skipped a number of chapters and did minorly change some events.
ZetmanAdapts the ending of the series, but abridges the story a lot

Didn’t see an anime that fully adapted its manga series on here? Leave a comment! I’ll validate the information and add it. If it is based on a light novel, that’s a different list!

See a mistake? Leave a comment! I’ll look into it further and update it.

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4 thoughts on “Complete Anime That Are Full Manga Adaptations”

  1. The reLife anime doesn’t adapt the prologue/epilogue chapter, which was rleeased the year after the anime
    Also there are some bonus chapters that were released years later (2021), i’m not sure what happens in them yet. I should get around to it.

  2. I’ve not seen the ReLIFE adaptation but from my understanding it never adapted the epilogue chapter, as that came out shortly after the anime did. And there are a few further epilogue chapters that came out the year or two after (that I’ve not read yet), too.

    Also I’ve not read the Law of Ueki manga, but there was a sequel manga series that came out the same year as the anime that the anime didn’t cover.

    Also also, does Zetman cover the manga at all?? My understanding (only read the manga) was that it uses the same characters and shares some ideas but is mostly an original setting and story. And it came out two years before the manga finished..

    Endo and Kobayashi has a 3rd LN that’s an epilogue/side stories that wasn’t adapted.

    The Duke of Death skipped some chapters (mangaupdates lists them)

    Btw thanks for all this, truly. I come in to check a fair few series. Just now I came in to confirm if watching Touch and Cross Game would be alright or if I should go manga (was pretty sure cos they’re rated uber highly for 2 decades on anime sites but this site helps)

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