anime with games as source material

Anime With Games, Visual Novels, or Other Media As a Source Material

While many are familiar with anime as an adaptation of a pre-existing story that was spawned from manga or light novels, anime can be an adaptation of stories found in many forms. In fact, the anime industry is really no longer attempting to hide the fact that anime adaptations are a valid marketing device for source material even if the anime as a product itself wasn’t profitable.

When you have a visual medium that is capable of boosting sales of other products, you will find that the industry starts to explore adapting things other than written media.

While we have previously covered anime that are full adaptations of light novel stories, anime that are full adaptations of manga stories, and anime that were fully original stories from the anime studio, there is one more realm to touch on – anime that is made out of everything else that are less simple to quantify as a “full adaptation”.

On this list of anime that was based on other media, we will cover anime made from, primarily, the following:

  • Visual novels
  • Video games
  • Mobile games
  • Mixed media
  • Stage plays

For anime adapted from all these other media, it means you can find a product to enjoy after the anime, but it won’t be as simple as maybe just heading to one manga or light novel series. Furthermore, while there may be “more of the story” that you got in the anime to find in these other media, it is just as likely that the “other media” will just be telling the same story you saw in the anime.

What is Anime Based on Mixed Media?

The other items on the above bulleted list are all mostly self-explanatory, but mixed media seems like it might require some more explanation.

Mixed media-based series is not something unique to Japan, but they are just more upfront with giving it a label. The term “mixed media” is actually just what it sounds like – a setting, story, or characters that are used in a variety of media.

For anime based on mixed media, you will find the story or characters in a lot of different forms. It may have a video game, mobile game, music videos/songs, visual novel, manga, and/or light novel series all set in that world. The anime could be adapting the story of one of those, or it could simply be set in that world telling its own story. It is usually extremely difficult to “continue the anime story” in series based off mixed media, but not always impossible.

In mixed media-based anime, you also sometimes run into situations where the anime was the start of the mixed media project. Maybe it was an original story so popular they wanted to do more with it, but usually the anime is a planned start of a larger project that some company already has years of planned releases for.

What Does ‘Eroge’ Mean?

Alongside labeling what genre of video game that video game-based anime was adapting, you may also see some visual novel series with the ‘eroge’ label.

Eroge is the term used to label an erotic video game or visual novel in Japan. So what that means is that the visual novel will have sex scenes and/or provocative nudity. This label is somewhat important as many visual novel anime adaptations are very wholesome, never alluding to the romance leading to physical relations, and some fans may wish to know what they are getting into with their potential visual novel purchase.

It also should be said that not all visual novels are eroge, despite the frequency of the label on this list. So if you do not see the label on this list, there is no graphic nudity in the visual novel to my knowledge (i.e. I didn’t find an official eroge label for it).

Anime With Games, Visual Novels, or Other Media As a Source Material

I tried to add notes based on what information I could find or just already knew. There is definitely some gaps in my knowledge in this particular area, and if you think you have a pertinent note, leave a comment below.

Series TitleTypeAdditional Notes
.hack//Video Game, RPG//roots is a prequel to the //G.U. Games. //Sign is a prequel to Infection/Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine games. Twilight is unrelated.
100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
(Yume Ōkoku to Nemureru 100-Nin no Ōji-sama)
Mobile Game
11eyesVisual Novel, ErogeAdapts the ‘Sin, damnation and the atonement girl’ game story
18ifMixed Media
22/7Mixed Media
A Bridge to Starry Skies
(Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi)
Visual Novel, ErogeAdapts the Madoka main route with other characters routes thrown in.
A Good Librarian Like a Good Shepherd
(Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai)
Visual Novel, ErogeAdapts the main route with Sheep and shows the True End.
A3!Mobile Game
Ace AttorneyVisual Novel-style Adventure Video GameSeason 1 covers the first game and Justice for All, Season 2 covers Trials and Tribulations
AfterlostMobile Game
AirVisual Novel, ErogeCrammed all routes into 12 episodes and made for a rushed, confusing anime.
Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka (AkaSaka)Visual Novel, Eroge
Akiba’s TripVideo Game, Multiple GenresBased on the story of the first game.
Alice Gear Aegis ExpansionMobile Game
Amagami SSVisual NovelOmnibus romance means they can and did do all routes, but did not adapt the true end of the VN.
AmnesiaVisual NovelThink of the anime as a trailer for each boy’s route, and one that spoils the overall plot.
Angels of DeathVideo Game, Adventure-HorrorTells the same story as the game, but in a prettier package
Ao OniVideo Game, Puzzle Survival
Aokana – Four Rhythms Across the Blue
(Ao no Kanata no Fō Rizumu)
Visual Novel, ErogeAdds a bit of every romance route, but focuses more on the sport in the anime while the VN focuses more on romance. Masaya is the main character in the VN, not Asuka.
Ape EscapeVideo Game, PlatformerVery loosely adapts the story of Million Monkeys, Ape Escape 3, and SaruSaru Big Mission
Arc the LadVideo Game, Tactical RPGLoosely adapts the story of Arc the Lad II
ArknightsMobile Game
Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk SkyVideo Game, RPGAdapts the game of the same name story
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret HideoutVideo Game, RPGAdapts the game of the same name story
Atri – My Dear MomentsVisual NovelAdapts the main story, including most of the true end
AyakashiStage PlaysAnime has three stories. Two are stage plays, one is an original story.
Azur LaneMobile Game
B-ProjectMixed Media
BakumatsuMobile Game
BanG DreamMixed Media
Battle Girl High SchoolMobile Game
Between the Sky and Sea
(Sora to Umi no Aida)
Mobile Game
Blade and SoulVideo Game, MMORPGPretty much a side story in the world of the MMO.
BlazBlue Alter MemoryVideo Game, FightingAdapts the story of the Calamity Trigger and Continuum Shift games.
Blue ArchiveMobile Game
Blue DragonVideo Game, RPGAdapts the story of the game of the same name loosely at first before fully diverging.
Blue Reflection RayMobile Game
Bonjour Sweet Love Patisserie
(Bonjour Koiaji Pâtisserie)
Mobile Game
Brighter Than the Dawning Blue (AKA Crescent Love)
(Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na)
Visual Novel
Bungo and Alchemist: Gears of JudgmentMobile Game
CaligulaVideo Game, RPGAdapting the first The Caligula Effect game story.
CanaanVisual NovelTechnically, its a sequel to the 428: Shibuya Scramble visual novel.
Canvas 2Visual Novel, Eroge
CastlevaniaVideo Game, Horror Action-AdventureFollows the story of Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse game. Adds in elements from Castlevania: Curse of Darkness in Season 2, uses Alucard’s backstory from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Nocturne more plays with Rondo of Blood characters than adapts the story.
CerberusMobile Game
Chain ChronicleVideo Game, Tower Defense RPGBased on the Book 1 game story.
Chaos;Child / Chaos;HeadVisual NovelBoth anime are considered a very poor adaptation of the visual novels.
Cinderella NineMobile Game
Circlet PrincessBrowser-based RPG
ClannadVisual NovelTouches on all routes, but only explores romance with Nagisa. VN has far more story to explore.
Code: RealizeVisual NovelEssentially summarizes the overall game story and the Lupin route.
Comic PartyVisual Novel, ErogeAnime focuses on the doujinshi creating process and not so much on the romance that the VN focuses on.
ConceptionVideo Game, RPGAdapts the first game’ story.
Corpse PartyVideo Game, Adventure HorrorQuick summary of the first game’s story with a new ending.
CueMobile Game
Cyberpunk EdgerunnersVideo Game, RPGTells a prequel story in the same world as the Cyberpunk 2077 game, but largely unrelated to the game story except for the aspects that the game patched in after the anime came out.
CybusterVideo Game, Tactical RPGBased on the Super Robot Wars games.
D_Cide TraumereiMixed Media
D4DJMobile Game
DanganronpaVisual Novel GameAdapts the story of the first game, skips the second game, then tells an original sequel story that expects you to know things from the second game.
DC Da CapoVisual Novel, Eroge
Deep InsanityMixed Media
Delico’s NurseryStage PlayThe stage play and related TRUMP manga are unrelated to the anime in plot. It simply shares a world and characters.
DemonbaneVisual Novel, ErogeBoth the VN and its sequel have anime adaptations. The PS2 port of the first game is not an Eroge.
Devil May CryVideo Game, ActionOriginal story set in between Devil My Cry and Devil May Cry 2
Devil Survivor 2Video Game, Tactical RPGAdapts the Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 story
Diabolik LoversVisual NovelTrying really hard to sell you a dating sim by giving brief samples of the routes. The game also gives the heroine a personality.
Diamond Daydreams
(Kita e)
Visual NovelAdapts the Diamond Dustdrops game, not the White Illumination game.
Dies IraeVisual NovelAdapts the Maria route.
DigimonMixed Media
DisgaeaVideo Game, Tactical RPGAdapts Hour of Darkness story.
Divine GateMobile Game
Dolls’ Frontline (AKA Girls’ Frontline)Mobile Game
Dragon QuestVideo Game, RPGDragon Quest: Legend of the Hero Abel is loosely DQ3, Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai 1991/2020 was an original DQ-inspired manga, that got an anime, that got a reboot anime, that also got a game.
Dragon’s DogmaVideo Game, RPGNot really adapting the story of the first DD game, but using elements from it.
Dramatical MurderVisual Novel, Boy’s Love ErogeThe anime left out a lot of the gay 🙁
Sums up everyone’s route, but without any romance.
Bad ends are featured in the OVA, though.
Dynamic ChordVisual NovelSeems to assume you know these characters already for as much as it tells you about them.
Ef: A Tale of Memories / Ef: A Tale of MelodiesVisual Novel, ErogeEach couple gets their own story rather than the stories taking place concurrently like they do in the anime.
Engage KissMixed Media
Ensemble StarsMobile Game
FarmagiaVideo Game, Action RPGThe anime follows the same story, but changes many things, both changing, cutting, and expanding on details.
Fate/Extra Last EncoreVideo Game, RPGBased on the Fate/Extra RPG
Fate/Grand OrderMobile Game
Fate/Stay NightVisual Novel, ErogeFate Stay/Night 2006 anime is the Saber’s route, Unlimited Bladeworks is Rin’s route, Heavensfeel movies are Sakura’s route.
Final ApproachVisual Novel
Fortune ArterialVisual Novel, Eroge
Gaist CrusherMixed Media
Gakuen HeavenVisual NovelCovers the Kazuki route, but the anime is pretty tame on the boy’s love.
Ganbare GoemonVideo Game, Action-Adventure
Gate KeepersVideo Game, Tactical RPG
Kenka Bancho Otome: Girl Beats BoysVisual NovelIs non-committal to any romance option and the anime jumps all over the overall plot of the VN.
Girl Friend BetaMobile Game
Girls Beyond the Wasteland
(Shōjo-tachi wa Kōya o Mezasu)
Visual Novel
God EaterVideo Game, Action RPGCreates a MC for the anime, but otherwise tells a very condensed version of the first game.
Gift: Eternal RainbowVisual Novel, Eroge
Granblue FantasyVideo Game, RPGDeviates from the game story at significant points in both seasons.
Green GreenVisual Novel, Eroge
Grimms NotesMobile Game
GungraveVideo Game, ActionLoosely based on the first game’s story.
Gunparade MarchVideo Game, Tactical RPG
Gunslinger StratosVideo Game, Third-Person Shooter
H2O Foot Prints in the SandVisual Novel, ErogeThe anime story gets very different from the visual novel.
HakuokiVisual Novel
HappinessVisual Novel, Eroge
Haruka: Beyond the Stream of Time
(Haruka Naru Toki no Naka de)
Visual Novel
Hero BankVideo Game, RPG
High CardMixed Media
Higurashi: When They Cry
(Higurashi no Naku Koro ni)
Visual NovelAdapts the story well enough overall. Higurashi Gou and Sotsu is and original anime stories that expand the lore.
Hiiro no KakeraVisual NovelAdapts the story of the first game while not committing to any romance route.
Himitsu no AiPriRhythm Arcade Game
Hortensia SagaMobile Game
Hyperdimension NeptuniaVideo Game, RPGThe manga, light novels, anime, and games are all pretty disconnected.
I-ChuMobile Game
Idol Time PriParaRhythm Arcade Game
Idolish7Mobile Game
In Search of the Lost Future
(Ushinawareta Mirai o Motomete)
Visual Novel, Eroge
Inazuma ElevenMixed Media
IngressMobile Game
IslandVisual NovelCondensed every route to rush through them.
Ixion Saga DTVideo Game, Multiplayer ActionAdapts the Ixion Saga game story
Izumo: Flash of a Brave SwordVisual Novel, ErogeAdapting the story of Izumo 2.
KaginadoBased on Other Visual NovelsKaginado is a crossover series for characters from Rewrite, Clannad, Kanon, Air, ect. Think Isekai Quartet, but Key VN properties.
KakyuuseiVisual Novel
Kamigami no AsobiVisual NovelThe Kamigami no Asobi game, manga, and anime all end the core story differently.
KanColle (Kantai Collection)Mobile Game
KanonVisual Novel2006 anime > 2002 anime, but the 2006 anime does chop up many routes to create a more linear story rather than just adapting one.
Kemono FriendsMixed Media
KimiKiss Pure RougeVisual NovelThe anime split the main character into two characters to try to better cover all the girls’ routes.
Kiratto Pri ChanRhythm Arcade Game
Koihime MusoVisual Novel, ErogeThe anime story is quite different from the visual novel.
La Corda d’OroVisual NovelAnime adapts the more linear and decisive manga story.
La Storia della Arcana FamigliaVisual NovelAnime ignored romance due to the multiple incest/large age-gap options, but otherwise summed up their character plots.
LamuneVisual Novel, ErogeAdapts the Nanami route.
Lapis Re:LightsMixed Media
Last PeriodMobile Game
Layton Mystery Detective AgencyVideo Game, PuzzleAdapting the Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy game story.
LBX GirlsVideo Game, RPG SimAdapting the Soukou Musume game story.
Legend of Heroes: Trials of Cold SteelVideo Game, RPGSet in between the Second and Third game in the Cold Steel line.
Legend of HimikoVideo Game, RPG
Legend of Mana: The Tear Drop CrystalVideo Game, RPG
Leviathan: The Last DefenseMobile Game
LilpriArcade Game
Little BustersVisual NovelOddly paced anime tries to cram in many of the large number of routes, and fails pretty badly.
Lord of VermilionArcade Game
Love Get ChuVisual Novel
Love LiveMixed Media
Love, Election and Chocolate
(Koi to Senkyo to Chokorēto)
Visual Novel, Eroge
Lunar Legend TsukihimeVisual NovelAdapts the Arcueid route
Magatsu WahrheitMobile Game
Magia RecordMobile GameMagia Record spawned from Puella Magi Madoka Magica, which is an original story.
Magical CananVisual Novel, Eroge
Mahjong SoulVideo Game, MahjongThe game doesn’t have much story, so the anime made one.
Majikoi – Oh! Samurai GirlsVisual Novel, ErogeAdapts pieces from some routes, but mostly anime-original.
Maple ColorsVisual Novel, Eroge
MaplestoryVideo Game, MMOFreestyles its story since, at the time, the game didn’t have much of one.
Marginal PrinceMobile Game
Mashiroiro SymphonyVisual Novel, ErogePrimarily the Miu route, but contents bits from other routes as well.
MedabotsVideo Game, RPG
MegamanVideo Game, Side Scroller ActionCovers the first three games of Battle Network, and mixes in parts of other games.
Meiji Tokyo RenkaVisual NovelAdapts the overall story and strongly favors Ogai route.
Meine LiebeVisual Novel
Mekakucity ActorsMixed Media
Merc Storia: The Apathetic Boy and the Girl in a BottleMobile Game
Million ArthurMobile Game
MoekanVisual Novel, Eroge
Momotaro DensetsuVideo Game, RPG
Monster Hunter Stories: Ride OnVideo Game, RPG
Monster RancherVideo Game, RPG SimOriginal story not following any specific game.
Monster StrikeMobile Game
Mr. Love: Queen’s ChoiceMobile Game
Muv-Luv AlternativeVisual NovelAdapts the Muv-Luv Alternative game story. Read the Muv-Luv Extra and Muv-Luv Unlimited VNs first if you want this anime story to make more sense.
Myself; YourselfVisual NovelBoth Sana and Shuusuke are male protagonists in the VN. The game has two MC roles. Sana gets the Nanaka route, Shuusuke gets the Shuri route.
Mysteria FriendsMobile GameMysteria Friends is a anime and manga spin-off of the Rage of Bahamut mobile game, which also has an entry on this list.
Nanatsuiro DropsVisual Novel, Eroge
Hourglass of Summer
(Natsuiro no Sunadokei)
Visual Novel
NekoparaVisual Novel, Eroge
Neo Angelique AbyssVisual NovelAdapts the Neo Angelique game story, but adds in a fair bit of anime-original characters and story.
Nier AutomataVideo Game, Action RPGLeaves parts out, changes events, but otherwise adapts the three playthroughs of the story.
Night Walker: The Midnight Detective16-bit Adventure Video Game, Eroge
Night WizardTabletop RPG
The Scales of Nil Admirari
(Nil Admirari no Tenbin)
Visual NovelMostly follows Akira’s route while speeding through the gist of the others.
NinjalaVideo Game, Multiplayer Action
Nora, Princess, and Stray Cat
(Nora to Ōjo to Noraneko Hāto)
Visual Novel, Eroge
Norn9Visual Novel
Ookami KakushiVisual NovelTrying to compress all the routes into one anime storyline was unwise. It’s why the anime is super confusing.
OnigiriVideo Game, MMORPG
OnimushaVideo Game, ActionNot related to any specific game story, just uses the concepts.
Otoboku: Maidens are Falling For Me
(Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru)
Visual Novel, ErogeFollows both the Mariya and Takako routes with a vague Takako-esque ending.
PaRappa the RapperVideo Game, RhythmWhen I say “boom, boom, boom”, you say “bam, bam, bam”! (The anime story is a prequel to the game story)
Pastel MemoriesMobile Game
Persona 3, Persona 4, Persona 5Video Game, Tactical RPGCompresses/omits the social link stories, but otherwise cover the overall stories of the games in summary.
Phantasy Star Online 2Video Game, MMORPGEpisode Oracle is the only anime that adapts the game story. The other series is anime-original.
Phantom: Requiem for the PhantomVisual NovelBased on the Phantom of Inferno visual novel. Changes several things, a injects a chunk of anime-original content, and freestyles the Cerulean Blue Sky ending
Photo KanoVisual NovelSix episodes to introduce people, then each girls’ route is an episode.
PlanetarianVisual NovelThe OVA adapts the VN story, the Planetarian movie with the more conclusive ending adapts a summary of the VN (and OVA) as well as the sequel light novel story as the ending.
PokemonMixed Media
PopotanVisual Novel, ErogeThe anime plot is fully unrelated to the game. It just uses the characters.
Power StoneVideo Game, FightingAdapts the first game story, but changes quite a bit.
PreParaRhythm Arcade Game
Pretty RhythmRhythm Arcade Game
Prince of Stride: AlternativeMixed Media
Princess Connect Re:DiveMobile Game
Princess LoverVisual Novel, ErogeAdapts the main story without committing to romance. OVA is the Silvia route, though.
Prism ArkVisual Novel, ErogeAdapts the main story with a dash of Priecea route and an anime-original ending.
Promise of Wizard
(Mahoutsukai no Yakusoku)
Mobile Game
Puraore! Pride of OrangeMixed Media
Puzzle & DragonsMobile Game
Qualidea CodeMixed Media
Queen’s BladeMixed MediaStarted as a series of art books.
Rage of BahamutMobile Game
Ragnastrike AngelsMobile Game
Rail RomanesqueVisual Novel, ErogeAdapts the Hachiroku route
Revue StarlightMixed Media
RewriteVisual NovelSeason 1 tried to combine all the routes and was terrible. Season 2 adapted the Moon/Terra true route of the game and turned out much better, though too rushed.
Rio: Rainbow GatePachinko Game
Robotics;NotesVisual Novel
Rumbling Hearts
(Kimi ga Nozomu Eien)
Visual NovelMixes in events from multiple routes, adapting no route faithfully or fully.
Sakuna – Of Rice and RuinVideo Game, RPG
Sakura WarsVideo Game, Tactical RPGAdapts the Shin Sakura Wars game story.
Samurai WarriorsVideo Game, Hack and SlashAdapts the Samurai Warriors 4-II story.
Sands of DestructionVideo Game, RPG
Scarlet NexusVideo Game, Action RPGAdapts the game story, but mostly summarizes the character stories.
School DaysVisual Novel, ErogeThe anime adapts all the bad ends all at once for the anime ending, which is fun. However, the visual novel is… so much more insane.
Sengoku BasaraVideo Game, Hack and SlashThe anime doesn’t follow the story of any game. It just uses the characters.
Sengoku CollectionMobile Game
Sengoku Night BloodVisual NovelBasically just advertising all the cute boys whose routes you could do in the game, and never adapts on particular story. Sengoku Night Blood’s overall story outside of the boys is not robust in the game, and not robust as an anime plot either.
Sengoku Paradise KiwamiMobile Game
Senran KaguraVideo Game Franchise, Genre-spanningSeason 1 is an adaptation of the Senran Kagura: Burst story, Season 2 is not a continuation, but is a sequel to the Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash game story.
Sentimental JourneyVisual NovelSentimental Journey is a dating sim. The anime explores the story of each girl in brief summary.
Seven Knights Revolution: Hero SuccessorMobile Game
Shachibato President, It’s Time For Battle
(Shachō, Batoru no Jikan Desu!)
Mobile Game
ShadowverseMixed Media
ShenmueVideo Game, Action-AdventureAdapts the story of Shenmue 1 and Shenmue 2
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil ChildrenVideo Game, Tactical RPGAdaptation of DemiKids: Light Version and Dark Version games, and changes many things.
Shining HeartsVideo Game, RPGThe anime is actually a sequel to the game.
Shining Tears X WindVideo Game, RPGAdapts the story of Shining Wind game, not the Shining Tears game.
ShinkalionToys! (Mixed Media)
Shinkyoku Sokai PolyphonicaVisual NovelThe 2009 anime is adapting the light novel story, not the game. The 2006 anime adapts the VN story, badly.
Shironeko Project: Zero ChronicleMobile Game
Show By RockMobile Game
ShuffleVisual NovelAnime is a harem setup to nip pieces from all the routes of the various girls for the plot it mashed together.
Shukufuku no CampanellaVisual NovelDoes both Minette’s and Agnes’ routes at the same time.
Synduality NoirMixed MediaCreated to promote Synduality: Echo of Ada, a game that is not yet out.
Smile of the ArsnotoriaMobile Game
Sonic XVideo Game, PlatformerFirst season was mostly original, but then following seasons adapted plot points from Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Battle
Soul LinkVisual Novel
Stand My HeroesMobile Game
Star Ocean EXVideo Game, RPGAdapting the story of the Star Ocean: The Second Story game
Starry SkyVisual NovelPretty much just advertising boys to you by showing a super condensed version of every route.
Steins;GateVisual NovelA good adaptation, but part of a larger VN franchise.
Street FighterVideo Game, FightingLoosely adapts the Super Street Fighter II Turbo story.
SukishoVisual NovelVisual novel is much darker than the anime would suggest.
Takt Op DestinyMixed Media
Tales of AbyssVideo Game, RPGWatered down version of the game story, but a full adaptation.
Tales of EterniaVideo Game, RPGNot actually adapting the game story. Just using the characters.
Tales of SymphoniaVideo Game, RPGSuper condensed story of the game.
Tales of Zestiria the XVideo Game, RPGExpands on the story and changes it a bit, but it was fixing some problems with the game story. Also fully spoils Tales of Berseria with a single episode summary of it.
Tasokare HotelMobile GameEach story has a good and bad end in the game where the anime only shows one or the other.
Tayutama: Kiss on my DeityVisual Novel, Eroge
Tears to TiaraVisual Novel, ErogeAdapts the Tears to Tiara: Garland of the Earth story
TekkenVideo Game, FightingBloodlines loosely adapts the story of Tekken 3. The 1998 movie combines Tekken and Tekken 2.
The Fruit of Grisaia
(Gurizaia no Kajitsu)
Visual NovelSeason 1 attempts to do all routes, rushing through many of them. Eden and Labyrinth adapt the second and third visual novels of the same name.
The IdolmasterVideo Game, Simulation
The Promise I Made Over This Blue Sky
(Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku o)
Visual Novel
The Thousand Noble MusketeersMobile Game
The Tower of DruagaVideo Game, Action RPG PuzzleBoth seasons adapt the story of the 1984 Tower of Druaga Namco arcade game.
The World Ends With YouVideo Game, Action RPGWhile overall a good adaptation, leaves out things that you will need to know to play the sequel game, NEO.
They are My Noble Masters
(Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de)
Visual Novel
To HeartVisual Novel, Eroge
Togainu no ChiVisual Novel, Boy’s Love ErogeThe anime left out all the gay, and a lot of the gore. 🙁
Patches in pieces of multiple routes into an attempt at a linear story.
Tokimeki Memorial: Only LoveVisual Novel
Tokyo Majin Gakuen KenpuchoVisual Novel GameA very loose adaptation of the first game, Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho.
Touken RanbuMobile Game
True TearsVisual NovelThe only thing the anime has in common with the visual novel is the title. Different stories, different characters, same emotions.
Uma MusumeMobile Game
Umineko: When They Cry
(Umineko no Naku Koro ni)
Visual NovelAnime adapts half the visual novel, and does even that badly.
Unite UpMixed Media
Uta no Prince-samaVisual Novel
UtawarerumonoVisual Novel2006 Anime adapts the Prelude to the Fallen game fairly well. False Faces anime adapts the Mask of Deception game, but changes the tone quite a bit. The games are more slice of life than war, but both anime series may lead you to believe otherwise.
Valkyria ChroniclesVideo Game, Tactical RPGMakes a number of changes to the story of the game in the anime adaptation.
Vampire HolmesMobile Game
Venus Project: ClimaxVisual Novel
Viewtiful JoeVideo Game, Beat ’em UpLoosely and quickly adapts the stories of both Viewtiful Joe and Viewtiful Joe 2.
Virtua FighterVideo Game, FightingLoosely based on the Virtua Fighter 2 story.
Virus Buster SergeVideo Game, AdventureBased on the Sega Saturn game, Virus.
W WishVisual Novel
Wagamama High SpecVisual Novel, Eroge
Walkure RomanzeVisual Novel, Eroge
We Without Wings
(Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai)
Visual Novel, Eroge
White Album / White Album 2Visual Novel, ErogeWA and WA2 follow different characters and stories set in the same universe. WA2 covers the introductory chapter story of the VN, but not the closing chapter. Intro and Closing are two separate games. (I can’t find anything on the original WA)
Wild Arms: Twilight VenomVideo Game, RPG
Wind: A Breath of HeartVisual Novel
XenosagaVideo Game, RPGAdapts the story of the first Xenosaga game.
Xuan Yuan Sword LuminaryVideo Game, RPGBased on the Taiwanese game, Xuan-Yuan Sword – The Millennial Destiny
YamibouVisual Novel, ErogeAnime story and game story are different, but the characters and relationships are the same.
Yokai WatchMixed Media
Yosuga no SoraVisual Novel, ErogeOmnibus romance storytelling does all the routes.
YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of This WorldVisual NovelThe anime is almost completely original content after Episode 5.

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1 thought on “Anime With Games, Visual Novels, or Other Media As a Source Material”

  1. Blue Dragon´s a loose adaptation at best, the stories FULLY diverge early on, with the anime explicitly being made for children. That´s why the protagonist was de-aged and the plot is heavily focused on an original female character who becomes the deuteragonist in an anime-only S2.

    Only Persona 4´s main plot (original release specifically) gets coherently adapted into its anime (and manga). P3&5´s anime are comparable to the AV video summaries of anime on YT. Persona 5´s manga is a coherent adaptation though and ends up adapting Royal on top.

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