While Noblesse got included in a push for manhwa anime adaptations, it didn’t become the hit that it could have been. While the story in Noblesse is very solid in the manhwa, no attempt at anime has yet to do it full justice.
Alternative Titles:
- 노블레스
- ノブレス
Year Anime Premiered: 2016
Animation Studio: Production IG
Number of Seasons: 1-Episode ONA + 1 TV anime
Source Material Country of Origin: South Korea
Source Material Available: Manhwa
Is It Officially Licensed Past Where The Anime Ends?: No
Is It Fan Translated Past Where The Anime Ends?: Yes
Entry Last Updated: March 12th, 2025
Where To Start The Noblesse Manhwa After The Anime?
If you finished the Noblesse anime and want to continue the story in the manhwa, you can start at:
- If you finished the Noblesse Awakening ONA (2016) – You can start at Chapter 93.
- If you finished the Noblesse (2020) anime – You can start the manhwa at Chapter 201.
Do note that the 2020 anime is effectively a sequel to the 2016 ONA, not a reboot. So you may wish to read the 92 manhwa chapters you missed if you only watched the 2020 anime. You can also just watch the ONA, but they summarized 92 chapters in in a 30-minute ONA, so it’s not the recommended option.
What to Expect From The Noblesse Manhwa?
Continuing the Noblesse story in the manhwa after the anime is not impossible, but you may find it difficult and definitely will find it confusing. Both the ONA and the proper anime adaptation of the Noblesse cut tons of details out. They cut side characters and comedy, they did a slap-dash job with the fights, but most importantly, they cut whole plot lines that will come into play later in the manhwa story.
As what they cut out does become somewhat necessary knowledge, you may definitely want to consider reading the manhwa from the beginning unless you are confident in your ability to glean details from context alone.
Is The Noblesse Manhwa Over?
The Noblesse manhwa is complete. It ended in 2019 with Chapter 544.
Will There Be A Noblesse Season 2?
While the anime aired in 2020, the fact that the manhwa has ended and the anime was not especially beloved probably means that there will be no Noblesse Season 2 anime.